Kirichok O., Antonyuk V., Shevchenko O. Historical and Legal Aspects of Regulation of International Road Transport. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2020. - Issue 1 (46).

The article analyzes the basic legal aspects of one of the institutes of transport law - international freight road transport. The article focused on historical and legal aspects, of freight transport by road in international transport legal framework. The main directions and its systematization are provided in the article. The legal relations that arise during the international carriage of goods by road and which are drawn up by the relevant civil agreements are describes, the basic rights and obligations of the parties in these relations are detailed.

Object of study - international road freight transport.

The purpose of the work is to propose ways to improve the organization of the international road haulage system, to reveal the role of state bodies in ensuring its effective functioning in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

Method Research - a multivariate analysis of the research object's operating conditions.

In all countries of the world, transport is one of the important sectors of the economy and an integral part of interpersonal relations. The transportation process does not produce a new product, but acts as a link between enterprises, facilitating the functioning of other sectors of the economy, the fulfillment of social tasks, the rational and flexible use of productive forces, ensuring the country's defense capability.

Therefore, the state policy of Ukrainian transport complex formation and development provides for timely, complete and qualitative satisfaction of the needs of public production and economic entities in international freight transportation, creation of equal conditions for the development of economic activity of road transport enterprises of all forms of ownership and entry of Ukrainian transport complex to the European and the world transport system

The results of the article can be implemented in the work of motor transport enterprises that provide international freight.

Estimated assumptions for the study object development - the search for the optimal system organization of international road haulage.



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Kirichok Oleksandr G., Ph.D., associate professor, National University of Water and Environmental Environmental Engineering, associate professor department of transport technologies and technical services, e-mail: o.h.kirichok@nuwm.edu.ua, tel. +380673627152, Ukraine, 33028, Rivne, Oleksa Novaka str. 77, of. 335, orcid.org/0000-0002-1596-1045.

Antonyuk Valentina P., Rivne Motor Vehicle College, National University of Water and Environmental Nature Management, Rivne, Ukraine, director, e-mail: ratk@nuwm.edu.ua, tel.

+380963480979, Ukraine, 33018, Rivne, Vidinskaya str. 31, of. 27, orcid.org/0000-0001-5778-2822.

Shevchenko Oksana V., Rivne Motor Transport College, National University of Water Management and Nature, deputy director of educational work, email: ratk@nuwm.edu.ua, tel. +380989756901, Ukraine, 33018, Rivne, Vidinskaya str. 31, of. 7, orcid.org/0000-0002-0306-0450.


Melnichenko O.I., Ph.D., Professor, National Transport University, Head of Department of Production, Repair and Materials Science, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Nalobina O.O., Engineering (Dr.), professor, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, professor of building, road, reclamation, agricultural machinery and equipment department, Rivne, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/visnyk/46/136.pdf

Print date: 15.04.2020

Online publication date: 27.10.2020
