Korpach A.A., Levkovsky A.A. Modern ways of using alternative fuels in automobile diesel engines. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2020. - Issue 1 (46).

The article considers the current state and prospects for alternative fuels using in diesel engines of vehicles that are in operation.

The object of study - alternative diesel fuels.

The purpose of the work - determine the most efficient alternative fuel for automotive diesel engines that are in operation, with the aim of reducing the consumption of oil fuels and reducing emissions of harmful substances with exhaust gases.

The research method - analytical.

A number of groups of alternative fuels that can be used in automotive diesel engines are considered, the advantages and disadvantages of each group of fuels are analyzed. It has been established that alternative fuels derived from vegetable oils - biodiesel fuels - meet the most fully met requirements. Comparison of the effectiveness of biodiesel fuel from rapeseed, sunflower and soybean oil in terms of changes in fuel efficiency and toxicity of exhaust gases compared to diesel fuel of mineral origin. It has been established that the considered biodiesel fuels may be used in automotive diesel engines, which will reduce fuel consumption of petroleum origin. The use of biodiesel fuels, in addition, reduces environmental pollution by greenhouse and toxic exhaust gases. It has been established that when a diesel engine runs on biodiesel fuels, the content of the main harmful components in exhaust gases (mono-oxides of carbon, hydrocarbons, soot) decreases. To reduce the content of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases, it is necessary to reduce the initial injection advance angle.

The results shown in the article can be used for further research on the alternative diesel fuels using effectiveness.



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Korpach Anatolii O., Ph.D., National Transport University, professor department of engines and heating engineering, e-mail:, тел. +380931203905,Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, МукИаііа Omelianovycha - Pavlenka Str., of. 303,

Levkivskyi Oleksandr Oleksandrovich, Ph.D., technical support specialist, Limited Liability Company «Winner LTD», e-mail:, tel. +380677976448, Ukraine, 03164, Kyiv, Klavdiivska 40B,


Kravchenko O.P., Engineering (Dr.), professor, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, head of automobiles and transport technologies department, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.

Sakhno V.P., Engineering (Dr.), professor, National Transport University, head of the automobiles department, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.04.2020

Online publication date: 27.10.2020

