Shyriaieva S.V. Factors influencing the formation and development of the multimodal transport system of Ukraine in modern conditions. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2020. - Issue 1 (46).

The article deals with the main factors influencing the formation and development of the multimodal transport system of Ukraine in modern conditions.

The object of the research is the process of formation of the domestic multimodal transport system.

The purpose of the work is to determine the necessary measures for the formation of the multimodal transport system of Ukraine.

In Ukraine, multimodal transportation is at the initial stage of development. Among the main factors hindering the formation and development of multimodal transport systems in Ukraine, is the imperfection of regulatory legal regulation of multimodal transport issues; absence of own environmentally friendly rolling stock of different types of transport, especially on road transport, which carries out transportation on long distances; imbalance between levels of capacity of objects of multimodal transport infrastructure and volumes of cargo flows; high risks of multimodal carriers at significant distances with two or more modes of transport; political situation in Ukraine; information provision of all parts of the multimodal logistics chain, etc. To solve these problems, measures have been proposed that will allow the formation and development of the multimodal transport system of Ukraine.

The results of the work can be applied for the formation of a national multimodal transport system.

Foreseeable assumptions about the development of the research object - the study of the components of the multimodal transport system.



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Shyriaieva Svitlana V., Ph.D., associate professor, National Transport University, professor department of transport technologies , e-mail: svitlana007@gmail.com, tel.: +380508855299, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omelyanovich-Pavlenko, str. 1, of. 432, orcid.org/0000-0001-9696-635X.


Melnichenko O.I., Ph.D., Professor, National Transport University, Head of Department of Production, Repair and Materials Science, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Savchenko L.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, National Aviation University, Associate Professor Department оf Logistics, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/visnyk/46/446.pdf

Print date: 15.04.2020

Online publication date: 27.10.2020

