Boiko V.V., Kuimova A.S. Methodsand approachesof evaluation of the motor enterprises sustainability. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Economic sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2020. - Issue 2 (47).

The analysis of scientific works was carried out in the article, on the basis of which the author's own vision of the approaches and methods of sustainability of the motor transport enterprise was formed.

The object of study is the stability of motor transport enterprises.

The purpose of the work is to substantiate the basic methods of assessing the firm's stability on the basis of the analysis of modern theoretical approaches and practical experience of ensuring the economic stability of domestic motor transport enterprises.

The research methods are generally scientific.

In today's volatile environment, the functioning of road transport companies, as well as other economic entities of the production and non-industrial sphere, must maintain the level of efficiency and competitiveness. A prerequisite for improving the efficiency and continuous development of enterprises is to ensure their sustainability based on the impact of environmental factors and changes in the activities of economic entities. In view of this article, the authors of the study of approaches and methods, the system of indicators used to assess the sustainability of enterprises in scientific methodology and practice is certainly relevant.

The Sustainable Development Concept of Ukraine states that enterprises can ensure their sustainability if they take into account not only the economic aspects of the activity, but also take into account social and environmental risks. Thus, the generalization of the results of the study of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of methodology for assessing the level of sustainability of road transport enterprises is timely. Research into the approaches and methods used to assess economic, environmental and social sustainability is relevant. The rational choice of approaches and methods for assessing the economic sustainability of the enterprise is a prerequisite for its continued effective functioning in the long run in the current economic environment.



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Boiko Victoriia V., PhD, associate professor, National Transport University, associate professor, department of Economics, e-mail:, tel.0442803016, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omeljanovicha-Pavlenko str.,1 of.313,

Kuimova Anastasia S., National Transport University, department of Economics, postgraduate, department of Economics, e-mail:, tel.0442803016, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omeljanovicha-Pavlenko str.,1 of.313,


Bondar NM, Ph.D., (Dr.), professor, National Transport University, professor of the department of Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Bondarenko EV, Ph.D., (Dr.), professor, President of Ukrainian Academy of Investments in Science and Construction, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.04.2020

Online publication date: 27.10.2020
