Gutarevych Y.F., Kukhtyk N.O., Kukhtyk V.V. Reduction of the car engine warming time when using an additional heat source. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. - Issue 1 (48).

The article presents the results of additional experimental studies about the effect of heat supply to the intake air on the parameters and characteristics of the process of warming up the engine of a car.

The aim of the work is to accelerate the car engine warming after starting at low temperatures.

The research method is an experimental determination of the characteristics of active idling and concentrations of pollutants in the exhaust gases of the engine.

The tests were performed when the car's engine was idling without heating the inlet air and with heating the inlet air through the air intake under the hood of the car and through the pipe in front of the intake manifold.

Comparison of engine operation in active idling mode without heating the inlet air and with heating the air before inlet through the air intake, did not show significant differences. The long passage of preheated air through the air duct to the air filter, through the air filter and the air duct after the filter, causes cooling of the heated air and does not provide the efficiency of additional heat supply.

For efficient use of additional heat supply, it is necessary to carry out this supply directly in front of the intake pipe.

Most of the parameters that characterize the process of warming up the engine are obtained by direct measurement. Also, the dependences on which total indicators of economy and toxicity of the car were calculated are resulted in the article.

According to the results of experimental studies, it is established that the operation of the car in low ambient temperatures leads to a deterioration of its fuel economy and environmental performance. For an internal combustion engine, with garage-free maintenance of the car in low ambient temperatures and with long periods of downtime, it is important to find and implement measures that allow, with minimal consumption of fuel and energy resources, to ensure warm-up of the cold engine.

Additional heat supply to the inlet air provides rapid warming of the car engine to operating temperature, which provides a short period of preparation for the perception of the load.

Intake air heating reduces fuel consumption during engine idling by an average of 4%.

With additional heat supply, the concentrations of pollutants are being reduced, especially in the first 50 seconds of engine warm-up, and the total toxicity of the engine, determined by the two components (carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons) is being reduced by an average of 6%.



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Gutarevich Yurii F. Ph.D., Engineering (Dr.), professor, National Transport University, head of the department "Engines and heating engineering", e-mail:, tel. +380442804716, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, str. Omelianovycha-Pavlenko str.1, ^302а.

Kukhtyk Nataliya Oleksandrivna, National Transport University, graduate student of department Engines and Heating Engineering, Senior Lecturer of Department of Ecology and Safety of Vital Functions, e-mail:, тел. +380442885100, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, М.Omelyanovych-Pavlenko str., 1, of. 312.,

Kukhtyk Victor Volodymyrovych., Ph.D., associate professor, National Transport University, graduate student of department Engines and Heating Engineering, e-mail:, тел. +380442804716, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, М.Omelyanovych-Pavlenko str., 1, of. 303A., 5402-0603


Hryshchuk O.K., Candidate of Science (Engineering), Professor, National Transport University, Vice­Rector for Academic Work, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Grytsuk I.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Professor of the Department of Operation of Ship Power Plants, Kherson, Ukraine


Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.03.2021

Online publication date: 05.04.2021

