Dmitriev M.M., Gameliak I.P., Ostroverkhyi O.G., Dmytrychenko A.M. Use of production waste in road construction of Ukraine. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. - Issue 1 (48).

The analytical review provides an analysis of domestic quality standards for road construction materials and structures used with industrial waste (metallurgical slag, thermal plant fly-ashes, mixes of fly­ash, etc.). Note that this issue is not new and some aspects of it have already been covered in special publications and in the media. However, the presented generalized material will be useful not only for road construction specialists, but also for people who would like to know how and why industrial waste is used in road construction.

The review gives general concepts and describes the principles and features of building norms and regulations, standards of supervision and control that have operated and operate in Ukraine since the mass construction of roads in the 70-80s of last century and now. Based on this analysis, conclusions are formulated that should be taken into account when initiating the use of waste from the metallurgical industry and energy in the field of road construction of our country. The materials presented in this review are intended for government officials and industry and road professionals, including developers of building norms, researchers, scientists, designers, builders, suppliers, teachers and students of educational institutions who train personnel for construction, in particular roads and airfields.

Qualitative method tools were used to collect, verify and analyze information.

Information was collected and verified according to the needs of the analysis. The research was performed by the method of iterations. To collect the information needed for the analysis, two categories of information resources were used: human and documentary.

Verification of the adequacy, integrity, reliability, validity and applicability of information was achieved by comparing the information obtained by alternative means, as well as using deductive and
consistent methods of analysis. The base of normative and technical documents and human data carriers were used as the main source of information.

Human resources included secondary sources of information in the person of consultants' specialists and primary sources in the person of respondents - specialists of non-governmental organizations and enterprises of the road industry of Ukraine.

Obtaining information from respondents was carried out through oral interviews and interviews. In order to ensure the objectivity and completeness of the information obtained, the technique of informal, unstructured survey was used, followed by verification of the information received from the respondent by comparing it with documentary information obtained from the main sources.

The authors of the review express their deep gratitude to the persons who kindly provided the necessary information.



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Dmitriev Mykola Mykolayovich, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, professor at the Department of «Airports», National Transport University, e-mail:, tel. (+38044) 280-70­73,

Gameliak Igor Pavlovich, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of department «Airports», National Transport University, e-mail:, +380503524124, 0001-9246-7561.

Ostroverkhyi Oleg Grigorovich, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, аssociate Professor at the Department of «Airports», National Transport University, e-mail:, +380974848976,

Dmytrychenko Andij Mykolayovich, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, associate professor of department transport law and logistic, National Transport University, e-mail:, +380502816006,


Mozgoviy V.V., Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Road Building Materials and Chemistry of the National Transport University.

Oxen Y.I., dr. Sciences, Prof., Leading researcher of the department of researches of technical condition of buildings and constructions at dangerous geological processes of DP NDIBK.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.03.2021

Online publication date: 05.04.2021

