Ishchenko R.M. Analysis of the level of main components of subject competence from general educational course of physics of technical specialties students. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. - Issue 1 (48).
According to the results of the entrance control, the analysis of the level of main components of subject competence from the general educational physics course of the first-year students studying in technical specialties was performed in this paper.
The object of the study - the level of the main components of subject competence from the general educational physics course of the first-year students studying in technical specialties.
Purpose of the study - to analyze the level of the main components of subject competence from the general educational physics course of the first-year students studying in technical specialties based on the results of oral and written surveys and entrance control, which contained tasks from the specified academic discipline.
Method of the study - for the purpose of the study, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, formulation of conclusions.
Analysis of the results of the entrance control from physics revealed that most first-year students have an insufficient level of subject competence from the general educational course of physics. The reasons of low score of students for entrance control from physics are analyzed. To improve the situation, it is proposed to make some adjustments to the organization of the educational process from physics at the technical university, aimed at improving the level of cognitive, activity and personal components of subject competence from physics of students. In particular, it is recommended to include the score for entrance control in the score-rating system of student assessment in the first semester; together with other forms of current control, to use physical dictation.
The results of the article can be introduced into the educational process while teaching the general physics course to students of technical and pedagogical universities.
Forecast assumptions about the object of study - consideration of scientific methods that enhance the motivation of students of technical specialties to study physics.
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Ishchenko Ruslan M., Ph. D., associate professor, National Transport University, associate professor of department of Information and analytical activity and information security, e-mail:, tel. +380442846709, +380673187955, Ukraine, 01103, Kyiv, M. Boychuk str., 42, of. 410, 0003-0158-4020.
Danchuk V.D., doctor of sciences, professor, National Transport University, dean of the Faculty of Transport and Information Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Manko D. Yu., Ph. D., Institute for Information Recording National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, researcher, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Article language: Ukrainian
Open Access:
Print date: 15.03.2021
Online publication date: 05.04.2021