Lanovoy A.T., Kyselov V.B., Vyhovska I.A. Latest assessment of traffic conditions on roads «Triad of road». Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences» Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv. National Transport University. 2021. - Issue 1(48).

The article explores the driving conditions for determining the demand of drivers of vehicles for the movement of roads, the road conditions of which should ensure this demand.

The object of the study is automobile international and national transport corridors.

When optimizing the management of the complex transport system «International, national and local traffic flows - Automotive International and National Transport Corridors» (MNMTP-AMNTC) can be sought to achieve different goals (criteria of optimality), and, depending on these goals, consider the different tasks of optimal management. On road transport, including in this concept of the system of communication routes (highways), the following tasks are the most important:

  • ensuring the least time of communication at limited road costs; - ensuring the specified time of communication at the lowest road costs;

- ensuring the lowest transport costs at a limited level of road costs;

- ensuring the lowest road costs at a limited level of transport costs;

- ensuring the maximum possible level of traffic safety at a limited level of road costs;

- ensuring the required level of traffic safety at the lowest road costs;

  • to achieve a minimum of road costs, provided that the specified volume of traffic (traffic), the specified speed and the necessary safety of traffic;
  • ensuring maximum road capacity at a limited level of road costs. According to its parameters, the MMMTP-AMNTC refers to complex systems, the main characteristics of which are: efficiency indicator; stability; obstruction; Reliability.

The newest approach of the «Traffic Triad» will allow to evaluate the functioning and ensure the rational management of any transport system with a focus on meeting the needs of users of highways - road users.



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Lanovoy О.Т., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, National Transport University, profesor of the department of Transport systems and traffic safety, e-mail: tel. +380442804885, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omelianovicha-Pavlenko str. 1, of. 432. 0717-9870

Kyselov V.B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, profesor of the department of Automated process control, e-mail:, tel. +380445290516, Ukraine, 04042, Kiev, John McCain str., 33, of. 120,

Vyhovska I.A., National Transport University, head of laboratory transport systems and traffic safety, e-mail:, tel. +380442804885, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omelianovicha- Pavlenko str. 1, of. 435 /0000-0003-1426-9863.


Vladimir Petrovich Polishchuk, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National Transport University, head of Department «Transportation systems and traffic safety»

Vladimir Ivanovich Domnich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, head of the Department of Automated Process Control

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.03.2021

Online publication date: 05.04.2021

