Lomotko D.V., Krasnoshtan O.M. Innovative approach to increase of operational speed and productivity. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. - Issue 1 (48).
The article proposes an approach to improving the structure and parameters of complexes for the organization of cargo exchange of piggyback trains using the approach of complex system optimization.
The object of study - the process of piggyback transport, methods and approaches to increase its efficiency and speed.
The purpose of the work is to determine the methods of improving the efficiency of piggyback transportation and their flexibility in order to adapt its parameters to the needs of customers. Synthesis of methods to increase the flexibility of the piggyback transport system while maintaining consistently high rates of carrying capacity and speed of goods delivery.
Research method - system analysis and complex structural-parametric optimization. The organization of piggyback transportation is one of the elements of improving the efficiency and balance of the country's transport system. From the point of view of customer needs, the piggyback system should be flexible, while providing conditions for high transport capacity and speed. To do this, it is necessary to solve a number of problems that would allow the exchange of piggyback trains on the way, without allowing the deterioration of other parameters of the system - mainly performance and speed. The most effective approach to solving these problems is to use the methodology of directed synthesis of complex systems. The peculiarity of this methodology is that it allows you to reach the predefined parameters of a complex system. The synthesized structure of the terminal to ensure highly efficient high-speed freight exchange in the organization of piggyback transport allows piggyback freight exchange at intermediate stations of their route in a minimum time without significantly reducing the route speed and carrying capacity of the system.
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Lomotko Denis V., Dr. Sc., professor, Ukrainian state university of railway stransport, head of department of transportation systems and logistic, e-mail: den@kart.edu.ua, тел. +380 67 576 06 61, Ukraine, 61050, Kharkiv, Feyerbakh sq., 7
Krasnoshtan Olexander M., Ph.D., associate professor, National transport university, associate professor department of management and tourism, e-mail: olexander.krasnoshtan@gmail.com, tel. +380 67 444 11 16, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Mykhayla Omelyanovycha-Pavlenka str., 1, of. 253.
Ternyuk M.E., Ph.D., Engeneering (Dr.), professor, International academy of science and high school, President of academy, Kyiv, Ukraine
MelnychenkoO.I., Ph.D., professor, National transport university, head of department of Production, Repair and Materials Science, scientific secretary of the university
Article language: Ukrainian
Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/visnyk/48/188-202.pdf
Print date: 15.03.2021
Online publication date: 05.04.2021