Musiyko V.D., Koval A.B., Lazaruk Y.V. Problems, directions, and horizons in the creation and modernization of specialized continuously operating earthmoving machines. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. - Issue 1 (48).
The article addresses directions and horizons in the creation of highly efficient specialized continuously operating earthmoving machines and provided a technical proposal for the multipurpose earthmoving machine.
Study subject: continuously operating earthmoving machines.
Objective: To create a power-efficient special-purpose earthmoving machine.
Study method: experimental.
Existing dimension-types of trenching excavators allow digging lengthy excavations of the assigned profile with minor deviations from their nominal width and depth. Creating of excavations of different profiles is being achieved via machine re-equipment with different implements.
A sustainable solution is to create multipurpose earthmoving machines that are capable to perform lengthy excavations of various widths and depths with the same implement and without constructional alterations.
There are known machine designs for trenching on the basis of a wheeled tractor with a mounted chain-bucket implement that is able to perform the lateral oscillatory displacements in relation to the vertical axis on the hull back of the tractor. Alteration of the implements oscilative motion amplitude allows to excavate the tranches of differnt width. This is the essence of the multipurpose earthmoving machine.
The existing kinematics chain sections of the implement in relation to the tractore can't ensure the consistency of the machine load due to inconsistency of the borings along the width of excavation. This leads to significant pulsation of the load on the implement, loss of the longitudinal stability and, in the end, reduces the potential productivity of the machine by half.
We have performed a set of studies in creating of the multipurpose earthmoving machines (MEM). As the experimental study objects we've used physical models of the MEM implements and full-size prototypes of the machines.
Results of the study experimentally confirm the possibility to create a highly productive MEM with rotary implement, which efficiently performs trenches as well as wide construction pits in the mode of reciprocating approach of the rotary implement to excavation by means of equalization and minimization of power load parameters values.
Musiyko Volodymyr Danilovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National Transport University, Head of the Department of Road Machines, Professor, e-mail: musvd@i.ua, tel: +380501040262, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, street. M. Omelianovicha-Pavlenka, 1, ap. 226а, orcid.org/0000-0001-9983-3296.
Koval Andrii Borysovych., Ph.D. Engineering, National Transport Unversity, associate professor department of road machines, e-mail: kandr@i.ua, tel. +38050240894, Ukraina, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omelianovicha-Pavlenka, 1, of. 226, orcid.org/0000-0003-1295-8200.
Lazaruk Yuri Volodymyrovych, National Transport University, postgraduate department of road machines, e-mail: layuvo@ukr.net, tel. +380975761709, Ukraina, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omelianovicha- Pavlenka, 1, of. 226, orcid.org/ 0000-0002-2019-0687.
Sakhno V. P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National Transport University, Head of Department of Automobiles, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Itkin O. F., Doctor of Technical Sciences, General Director «Neftegazstroyizoliatsiya» Industrial Production Institute of welding-insulation technologies to a piping building, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Article language: Ukrainian
Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/visnyk/48/223-232.pdf
Print date: 15.03.2021
Online publication date: 05.04.2021