Poliakov V.M., Yaschenko D.N., Sharai S.M. To a question at the choice of the rolling stock in the BRT system. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. - Issue 1 (48).

In article the question at the choice of the rolling stock of passenger motor transport in the BRT system which provides movements of buses on specially allocated and often obgorodzheny strips, that is its full isolation on the road from other means of transport is considered. For increase in passenger capacity in the BRT system use three-link buses and trolleybuses.

Along with indisputable advantages of three-link buses and trolleybuses also shortcomings - the worst maneuverability and stability of the movement in comparison with two-link are inherent in them. Besides, the efficiency of operation of such cars is provided with a passenger traffic which during the day can change many times. Therefore the road train as a part of two (or three) the buses or trolleybuses working in connection, і which passenger capacity similar to the jointed buses and trolleybuses can become perspective. In rush hours the bus train, and in interpeak the period - each bus separately works (the possible parking of one bus at allocated to the platform).

In view of restriction of the maximum length of the bus train at the level of 24.26 m, as buses as making road trains, we will accept the 8th meter buses MAZ 206. Passenger capacity of such bus is 72 passenger, the power of the traction engine - 160 kW.

The expediency of use of three-link hook-on road train is proved by the conducted researches that MAZ 206 with a total length up to 26 m and with a passenger capacity up to 220 passengers in the BRT system consists of three same buses.

It is shown that the total power of engines is necessary for the movement of such bus train with a speed of 25 m/s has to make 300 kW while for one bus at the movement with the same speed it has to be at the level of 135 kW. It demonstrates about economic feasibility of use of the bus train from three buses working in connection because for their movement in all range of speeds there is enough power of two engines, that is one of buses can be used as the passive trailer that will lead to improvement of fuel profitability of the bus train.

It is established that on maneuverability indicators three links the hook-on road train considerably exceeds three links pivotally - the jointed bus. So, the dimensional lane of the hook-on bus train at execution of the most typical maneuvers by it during the work on a city route does not exceed 3.9 and 4.1 m at turns respectively on 900 and 1800 that it is much less, than for three links pivotally the jointed bus 24 m long respectively of 6.8 and 8.2 m.



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Poliakov Viktor Mihailovih, Doctor of Engineering, assistant of professor, National transport university, professor of Avtomobili chair, e-mail:, ph. +38(044)280-42-52, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str., 1, of. 301,

Yaschenko Dmitrij Nikolaevich, Doctor of Engineering, National transport university, associate professor of Avtomobili chair, e-mail:, ph. +38(044)280-42-52, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str., 1, of. 301,

Sharai Svitlana Mihailovih, Doctor of Engineering, assistant of professor, National transport university, Professor of Department of International Transportation and Customs Control, Е-mail:, tel. (067) 783-31-80, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str., 1, of. 437,


Hutarevych Yu.F., Ph.D., Engineering (Dr.), professor, National Transport University, head of the Department of engines and heat engineering, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Kravchenko A.P., Ph.D., Engineering (Dr.), professor, Zhytomyr Polytechnic state university, head of the department of automobiles and transport technologies, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.03.2021

Online publication date: 05.04.2021

