Gavrilenko O.V., Shumeiko O.A., Nabokov E.M. Review of approaches to optimizing data exchange in a multiserver infrastructure network using encryption, compression and accelerated routing. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. - Issue 1 (48).
In this article is being reviewed different approaches to optimize data exchange in a network using cryptography - to make any date secure, compression - to make any data smaller and accelerated routing, which is based on meta information about target destination: how far they are, how loaded they are.
The object of research is the process of data exchange in the network.
The purpose of the study is to optimize the process of data exchange in the network in order to improve the security and speed of data transfer.
Research methods - statistical analysis of data transmission efficiency indicators.
When transmitting data, cryptographic algorithms are used to ensure integrity and security, these algorithms allow the exchange of data using public and private key technology. But now this may not be enough to complicate the process of decrypting the data, it is advisable to make the messages transmitted between nodes as similar as possible to each other, for example, the same length. This solution will minimize the possibility of revealing the cipher by analysis for the attacker, but at the same time significantly increases the volume of transmitted messages due to the additional «masking» amount of data. To compensate for this effect in high-load networks, it is proposed to use a smart routing algorithm, which allows you to choose the optimal route for messages, taking into account the load of routers and channels between them.
https://www.verodin.com/post/rsa-2020-validating-cybersecurity-effectiveness [in English].
Gavrilenko Olena, Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department AIPSM, FICT, NTUU «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», e-mail: gelena1980@gmail.com, tel. +380935768058, Ukraine, Kyiv, Polytehnycheskayast., 41, 18 buld., r. 430;
Shumeiko Oleksii, National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: shumeyko.ntu.edu.ua@gmail.com, tel. +38-044-280-70-66, Ukraine, Kyiv, M. Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str., 1, r. 347a
Nabokov Eduard, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3528-3998, e-mail: edwardnabokov@gmail.com., tel. +380934626303, Ukraine, Kyiv, Polytehnycheskaya st., 41, 18 buld. 18, r. 430;
Ivokhin E.V., Professor of the Department of Systems Analysis and Decision Theory, Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, Taras Shevchenko National University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor;
Al-Ammory A.N., Head of the Department of Information-Analytical Activity and Information Security of the National Transport University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Article language: Ukrainian
Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/visnyk/48/063-072.pdf
Print date: 15.03.2021
Online publication date: 05.04.2021