Nazarenko I.I. Research of quality formation of transport services by passenger transport enterprises of EU. Visnyk of the National Transport University. Series «Economic sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - K.: NTU, 2021. - Issue 2 (49).

The article examines the processes, criteria and factors to ensure the quality of passenger transport services.

Object of study - processes to ensure the quality of passenger transport services in the context of European integration of Ukraine.

Purpose - a study of the world experience in the formation of the concept of quality of transport services, summarizing the main factors that affect the quality of transport services, as well as the main criteria affecting the qualitative characteristics of the services of the transport.

Method study - generalization of fundamental works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists of economists is in the internal checking system, dialectical going, fundamental positions of economic theory, system-logical approach near research of the economic phenomena and processes.

Satisfaction the needs of society and economy of passenger transport services depends on the quality and timeliness of those services. Questions of quality passenger transport services are interested in users of transport services, companies providing them. However, the requirements and the basic criteria for assessing the quality they are different. If the passenger transport enterprise interested in providing their services with minimal effort and money, the service users in their assessment pay attention not only on the cost of services, but also on transport safety, comfort, delivery time, etc..

The quality of the transport concept of integrated services, which is constantly being developed and improved. Global trends show that the quality of transport services must ensure the needs and expectations of consumers. Accordingly, it is increasing the importance of defining the qualities that affect the quality of service. Given the transient and dynamic nature of modern society and the lifestyle of the main consumers of the services the system factors and quality criteria must be flexible and dynamic to meet the industry's competitiveness on the European market of services. Awareness of the main criteria for assessing the quality of services will help to identify potential strengths and weaknesses. This will help improve not only the quality but also the process of enterprise management, industry, improve customer satisfaction of services received, will increase competitiveness.

The results of the article can be inculcated in-process services of enterprises of a transport complex. KEYWORDS: QUALITY, TRANSPORT SERVICE. CRITERIA of QUALITY, TRANSPORT.


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Nazarenko Iaroslava I., Ph.D., associate professor, National Transport University, associate professor department of finances, account and audit, e-mail:, tel. +380679479956, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Suvorova str. 1, of 424.


Luk'ianenko I.G, D Ph.D., Economics (Dr.), professor,National University “Kyiv-Mogyla Academy”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bazylyuk A.V., Ph.D., Economics (Dr.), professor, National Transport University, professor department of finances, account and audit, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.03.2021

Online publication date: 05.04.2021

