Horiachko K.K. Theoretical fundamentals of marketing management of the enterprise. Visnyk of the National Transport University. Series «Economic sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - K.: NTU, 2021. - Issue 2 (49).

The main results of theoretical research of modern interpretation of the essence of the term «marketing» are presented in article.

The object of the study is the theoretical and methodological principles of enterprise management on the basis of marketing.

The subject of research - is the study of the theoretical foundations of modern interpretation of marketing in the enterprise.

The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of the concept of «marketing» and its place in the management system of the organization.

Research methods - method of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization and systematization, abstraction.

As a result of the research, the interpretation of the concepts «marketing», «marketing management» and «strategic marketing» in accordance with modern and classical sources of scientific literature is considered. Marketing management is a complex complicated concept.

An agreement on the concept of «marketing» among scientists has not been achieved. Some experts and researchers associate marketing with integrated management of the company and consider marketing as a concept or the main idea of company management, because the company's activities should be aimed at customer satisfaction. Some researchers equate marketing with strategic management, and strategic planning with strategic marketing. It has been found that in many scientific sources, researchers interpret marketing as an activity aimed at researching the market, demand, consumers and competitors, which provides information for management decisions, as well as provides information to consumers and shapes demand for goods or services. The interpretation of marketing as an integrated function of company management is defined, which should coordinate all divisions in accordance with marketing strategies and satisfaction of end-users.

Today, marketing is aimed mainly at increasing consumption, however, at the heart of any activity should be not only business but also social and environmental challenges of a mankind.

Critical analysis of literature sources allowed to conclude that marketing is an integrated, coordinating management subsystem, the main purpose of which is the constant coordination and provision of analytical information to subsystems of the enterprise in accordance with changes of the macro and microenvironment of the organization.

The results of this study can be taken into account when developing a corporate strategy of the organization.



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Horiachko Kateryna Kostyantynivna, National Transport University, associate professor of the Department of tourism, e-mail:, tel. +380932589128, 1, Mykhaila Omelianovycha - Pavlenka Str. Kyiv, Ukraine 01010.


Bezugliy A.O., PhD., Head of the «DerzhavtotransNDIproekt», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Kozak L.S., PhD., Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.03.2021

Online publication date: 05.04.2021

