Dmytrychenko M.F., Tokin O.P., Kharchenko A.N. Prospects for the development of the professional qualifications system in higher education. Visnyk of the National Transport University. Series «Economic sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. - K.: NTU, 2021. - Issue 2 (49).

The article is devoted to the problematic issues of integrating professional competencies into educational programs of higher education institutions. It is substantiated that the relationship between educational and professional standards should be deepened, which will ensure a balance of knowledge of applicants obtained during training in higher education, and requirements for jobs, achieving the necessary program learning outcomes that will be implemented in the labor market as effective human capital.

The object of research in the article is the professional qualification of higher education students, integrated into the educational programs of higher education.

The purpose of the study is to determine the prospects for the development of the system of professional qualifications for the quality implementation of professional competencies in educational programs of higher education institutions.

The article performs a theoretical and analytical analysis of the prerequisites for the introduction of professional competencies in educational programs of higher education institutions. It is determined that professional qualifications should be awarded by a higher education institution on the basis of appropriate professional standards, which in turn reflect a person's ability to perform a certain set of tasks and responsibilities defined by the relevant profession. It is established that for the assignment of a certain educational or professional qualification it is necessary to have: an appropriate standard; the state (institution) authorized to assign the appropriate qualification; rules (procedure) for assigning a qualification, which includes criteria for assessing the achieved program learning outcomes. It is determined that the current challenges for the development of professional competencies and the creation of appropriate standards are the reorientation of the labor market in connection with the emergence of new qualifications; development of lifelong learning trends; creation of new preconditions for licensing of educational activity of higher education institutions; high requirements for the quality of higher education in higher education and for professional qualifications in the labor market; the need for cross-border recognition of educational and professional qualifications; development of non-formal and informal education. The main perspective steps for the development of the system of professional qualifications for high-quality implementation in higher education curricula are outlined, which include: international recognition of the adopted the National Qualifications Framework, creation of new generation educational standards, establishment of uniform requirements for recognition of professional experience. comparison of educational and professional qualifications, adoption of the Procedure for recognition in Ukraine of professional qualifications acquired in other countries, determination of an effective mechanism for recognition of competencies acquired in non- formal and informal education, creation of an effective register of qualifications, support of dual education development, monitoring of education qualifications, approximation of professional qualifications to Multilingual Classifier of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Professions (ESCO).



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Dmytrychenko Nykolay F., Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, National Transport University, Professor of Production, Repair and Materials Science Department, e-mail:, tel. (044)2808203, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Omelyanovich-Pavlenko str. 1, of. 318, 1838

Tokin Oleksndr P., Ph.D., Associate Professor, National Transport University, Professor of Production, Repair and Materials Science Department, e-mail:, tel (044) 280-42-59, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Omelyanovich-Pavlenko str. 1, of. 322,

Kharchenko Anna N., Ph.D., Associate Professor, National Transport University, Associate Professor of Transport Construction and Property Management Department, e-mail:, tel. +380442807909, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Omelyanovich-Pavlenko str. 1, of. 323, 8166-6389


Melnichenko А., Candidate of technical science, professor, National Transport University, academic secretary of NTU, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Batrakova A., DSci (Engineering), Professor, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Deputy Rector (Vice-Rector) for Research and Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access:

Print date: 15.03.2021

Online publication date: 05.04.2021

