Gutarevych Y.F. Shuba Y.V., Sirota A.V., Trifonov D.N., Ovchinnikov D.V. Effect of air heating at the intake on the energy and environmental performance of a transport engine when running on alcohol-containing gasoline at low temperatures. Visnyk of National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. – Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. – Issue 3 (50).
The article discusses the issue associated with the influence of air heating at the intake on the fuel efficiency and environmental performance of an engine with a carburetor power system when using alcohol-containing gasoline with a bioethanol content of about 36%, in the cold start, warm-up and idle modes. The use of inlet air heating is one of the promising areas for the implementation of energy-efficient technologies in road transport.
The object of experimental research is a ZAZ-1102 car with a MeMZ-245 gasoline engine with a carburetor power system.
The purpose of the work is to determine the effect of air heating at the intake on the energy and environmental performance of a transport engine when operating on alcohol-containing gasoline at low temperatures.
The research method is experimental.
As a result of the research, it was found that the use of air preheating at the intake with TAPP when using alcohol-containing gasoline with a bioethanol content of about 36% allows for reliable start-up while reducing the engine start-up time; reduce engine warm-up time by 15.8%, total fuel consumption by 34.6%; CO concentration at the beginning of heating decreases by 30.8%, CmHn concentration decreases 4.8 times. 120 seconds after warming up, the CmHn concentration when the engine is running without heating is 730 ppm, and with heating it is 370 ppm. CO concentrations are reduced from 0.37% to 0.25%.
To ensure the adaptation of existing engines with a carburetor fuel supply system to the use of alcohol-containing gasolines with a bioethanol content of more than 20%, it is recommended at low temperatures to ensure an intake air temperature within 40 ... 50 ° C, which generally leads to an increase in fuel efficiency.
Gutarevich Yurii, Ph.D., Engineering (Dr.), professor, National Transport University, head of the department "Engines and Heating", e-mail: katedradvz.ntu@gmail.com, tel. +380442804716, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Suvorova str.1,of 302.
Shuba Yevgeniy, Ph.D., Engineering, National Transport University, assistant of department of "Engines and Heating", e-mail: shuba90@i.ua, tel. +380688147423, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Suvorova str. 1, of. 303a.
Syrota Alexander, Ph.D., Engineering, associate Professor, National Transport University, associate Professor of the Department "Engines engineering", e-mail: kafedradvzntu@gmail.com, tel. 280 47 16, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, vul. Suvorov 1, room 303a.
Trifonov Dmitrij, National Transport University, Ph.D., Engineering, senior lecturer of the Department "Engines engineering", e-mail: kafedradvzntu@gmail.com, tel. 280 47 16, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Suvorov St. 1, room 303a.
Ovchinnikov Dmytro, National Transport University, postgraduate department of engines and heating, email: dovchinnikov@ukr.net, tel. +38 044 280-47-16, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Suvorova str. 1, of. 303a.
Tereshchenko Y.M., PhD, Engineering (Dr.) professor, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Posviatenko E.K., PhD, Engineering (Dr.), professor, National Transport University, professor, department of production, repair and materials science, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Article language: Ukrainian
Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/visnyk/50/046-056.pdf
Print date: 29.09.2021
Online publication date: 30.10.2021