Ivanushko O.M. Efficiency use of working time in car service enterprises. Visnyk National Transport University. Series «Technical sciences». Scientific and Technical Collection. – Kyiv: National Transport University, 2021. – Issue 3 (50).

In the article to presents an analysis of the use of working time in car service enterprises (CSE) based on real statistical information, as well as an assessment of the efficiency of using working time and suggests ways to improve for specific CSE.

The object of study – the standard and worked hours of the production personnel of car service enterprises, as well as the flow of applications and the duration of their execution.

Objective – the analyze the use of working time by the production personnel of car service enterprises and assess the effectiveness of its use.

Research Methods – analytical and statistical analysis, mathematical simulation.

Today the urgency of the problem of efficient use of working time at enterprises is increasing. It is known that the effective work of any enterprise largely depends on the completeness and expediency of using the fund of working time. Working hours should be used by workers and employees exclusively for the performance of their labor function. The rational use of working time is acquiring great importance right now, in the conditions of the development of market relations and the complication of economic ties, when it is necessary to increase the scale of production.

In a car service, the performance of maintenance and current repairs is standardized, but the total volume of services performed or standard hours worked does not always satisfy the CSE management. This is due to a wide variety of works and their specific performance, as well as the individual requirements of the clients themselves.

One of the important tasks facing each enterprise is to reduce the loss of working time. That is why the study of the loss of working time should be carried out constantly by analyzing the structure of working time, identifying the reasons for non-fulfillment of norms, irrational expenditure of working time, since the time worked by workers is the main measure of labor.

A significant contribution to the development of this area of scientific research was made by well-known scientists in Ukraine: A.I. Amosha, S.I. Bandur, A.F. Novikova, V.V. Onikienko, S.I. Pirozhkov, L.V. Shaulskaya and others.

To study, we were used statistical data for work and the volume of services sold by four car service enterprises in Kiev: private entrepreneur Arsentiev I.V., private enterprise "Alkazar-Kiev", private enterprise "Jerman Autoservice" (Bosch Car Service), LLC "Avtobereg". These CSE are mainly engaged in complex maintenance and repair of individual components of passenger cars and keep track of the hours worked.

To analyze the efficiency of using the working time of enterprises were used the coefficient of using the working time post КВРЧ and the auxiliary load factor post КЗ.

On the basis of statistical information, it has been established that CSE data use 71...83% (КВРЧ = 0.71...0.83) of their planned annual working time fund. According to literary sources and regulations, the average value of the КВРЧ coefficient for CSE is 0.87...0.98. So one would assume that CSE data is inefficiently using working hours. But this indicates that the working conditions of the CSE have changed, and therefore it is necessary to revise these norms. To solve this problem, it is necessary to additionally analyze the individual operating conditions of the CSE and determine the maximum possible operating parameters.

At the same time, the coefficients КЗ and КВРЧ can be used to assess the effectiveness of the CSE and the use of working time directly. But they do not make it possible to accurately determine the reasons for the decrease or increase in efficiency, as well as ways to improve it.



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Ivanishko Oleksandr M., Ph.D, senior lecturer of the department of motor vehicle maintenance and service, e-mail: ivanushko_o@ukr.net, tel.+38 (044) 280-56-21, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, M. Omelianovycha-Pavlenka str. 1, of. 410, orcid.org/0000-0003-3759-5856.


Sakhno V.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National Transport University, Head of Department of Automobiles, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Bilichenko V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Professor of the Department of Automobile and Transport Management, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.

Article language: Ukrainian

Open Access: http://publications.ntu.edu.ua/visnyk/50/092-103.pdf

Print date: 29.09.2021

Online publication date: 30.10.2021

